The Lost Art of Logarithms

Charles Petzold holding massive slide rule

An online book-in-progress by
Charles Petzold
wherein is explored the utility, history, and ubiquity of that marvelous invention,
including what the hell they are; with some demonstrations of their primary historical application in plane and spherical trigonometry.

Some paragraphs are coherent; others are not. Sometimes paragraphs are only a phrase or a note to myself. Nothing has been professionally edited.

I've been developing the pages in Edge using Visual Studio Code running under Windows 11 on a Microsoft Surface Pro 9. I've also been testing the pages in Chrome on that machine, and in Safari on a Mac Mini running Sequoia, and in Chrome (version 126, it says) on an Asus Chromebook.

However, my iPad Mini running iOS 12.5.7 has several problems with these webpages, and the pages often become quite awkward on phones.

Preface. What I'm Trying to do Here

Part I. The Book of Vlacq

Chapter 1. Logarithms? Are Those Like Algorithms?

Chapter 2. The Magic Demystified

Chapter 3. Even Powers and Roots?

Chapter 4. Calculating a Logarithm by Hand

Part III. Mathematicians at Work

Chapter 5. Napier’s Life and Reformatory Times

Chapter 6. Countdown to the Apocalypse

Chapter 7. Conceiving the Logarithm

Chapter 8. The Handoff to Briggs

Chapter 9. Bones and Other Oddities

Part III. Back to Vlacq: The Trigonometric Connection

Chapter 10. Sides and Angles

Chapter 11. Beyond the Straight Right Triangle

Chapter 12. The Ubiquitous Sinusoid

Chapter 13. Mapping Out the Earth

Chapter 14. Reaching for the Stars

Chapter 15. Calculating Manhattanhenge

Part IV. Further Enhancements

Chapter 16. Logarithms at Your Fingertips

Chapter 17. e, Naturally

Chapter 18. Peter Mark Roget and the Log-Log Scale

Part V. Logarithms Everywhere

Chapter 19. Log and Log-Log Phenomena

Chapter 20. Time and Space

Chapter 21. Sound and Music

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Back Matter

About the Author